An official billing request/voucher/ authorization document, from your third-party
sponsor, is required for every semester that the third-party is willing to pay. All
authorization letters MUST include the following information:
- Name, address, and contact information of Third-Party Agency
- Student’s name
- Student’s UID (University Identification Number)
- The academic term(s) and amount being covered by the authorization
- Name and contact information for the billing point of contact
- Preferred method of invoice delivery (email, fax, direct mail) and the corresponding
billing information
In Person: Bursar’s Office
Cook Administration Building, Suite 213
Mailing Address:
Chicago State University
Bursar’s Office
Attn: Third-Party Billing Coordinator
9501 S. King Dr., ADM 213
Chicago, IL 60628
Fax: (773) 821-2510
It is the student’s responsibility to assure that the proper billing authorization/voucher
is submitted to Chicago State University’s Bursar’s Office. Follow up with your contact
at the third-party agency paying your educational expenses. Then you will need to
contact Chicago State University’s Third-Party Billing Coordinator to confirm that
all required paperwork has been received.
Contact CSU’s Third-Party Billing Coordinator:
Danielle Land
(773) 995-2470
Please contact your Third-Party Billing Coordinator to discuss status of payment.
In order to receive a transcript, your Chicago State University account balance must
be zero. You can pay off your balance and be reimbursed once your third-party sponsor
makes payment that creates a credit balance (-) on your CSU account.
Student education records, other than publicly available directory information, are
private and shall not be disclosed except as appropriate to the following: Appropriate
persons or agencies in connection with a student's application for, or receipt of,
financial aid to determine eligibility, amount or conditions of financial aid, and
to enforce the terms and conditions of the aid.